random thought about system initiative | server 运维论坛-足球竞猜
system initiative is finally ga and claim itself to be the future of devops.
i give it a try and build something like this:
i have little to no experience about aws, it cool to build a system by drag-and-drop and connecting points.
to make this possible, system initiative builds a full-fidelity model of aws resources. every change can be checked without actually connect to aws.
under the hood, si call it a graph of reactive function. all the schemas and actions is defined as source code that is reactive to its inputs.
to me, system initiative feels like a 3rd generation of infrastructure automation.
- 1st generation: terraform, declactive modeling
- 2nd generation: pulumi, programable
- 3rd generation: system initiative, full-fidelity model
however, it’s not iac, at least in it’s current form.
tools like system initiative should be provided by cloud vendors, rather than a third-party company and community.
aws should buy system initiative.
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